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Strive Forward

It's such wonderful news that my work in Fleetwood will be continuing. Here is an overview of the project and how we intend to take things forward -

The initial aim of this project was to work alongside members of the community who attended STRIVE Coffee Shop to see how the space could be used to benefit the local community.  A large proportion of customers were parents and/or carers of children who attended Flakefleet primary school.

Over the course of six weeks, I liaised with over 65 individuals whilst on-site and gathered written responses which were then collated in to data.  What people most wanted to gain from accessing STRIVE was to “feel part of something” (68%).  Specific life skills such as goal-setting, motivation, facing fears and looking at avoidance were also some of the popular outcomes for people when given further choice.  People were asked if there was anything else they would like to focus on and a typical trend showed a desire to take up some form of hobby or become more creative.

Following on from this, it was agreed that an extension of this project could take place over the course of 12 further weeks to look at delivering some of these asks.   We will be evaluating the project as we go using the Joseph Rowntree Foundation 'Evaluating Community Projects' model which will serve as a useful framework -

I look forward to sharing the evaluation outcomes as this will not only highlight that we have achieved our goals (hopefully), but identify any areas for improvement. I am hopeful that our work will contribute towards tacking the wider societal issue of isolation and allow for re-delivery elsewhere within the community.

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