My Story
Since 2010, I’ve been supporting people make positive changes in their lives. I recognise the importance of connection and having a sense of belonging. I founded Coach and Shine to create a service that would be accessible for everyone. I have a strong sense of moral obligation which is why Coach and Shine is a non-profit company with a proportion of these being re-invested back into local Lancashire.
My professional background is largely within mental health services where I have worked with both young people and adults in a statutory setting. My qualifications include Psychology BSc and Social Work MA in addition to my continued professional development. I also work alongside local Universities to help train and assess degree students in preparation for a career within a similar field.
Positive Psychology is a keen interest of mine, it is what guides my current practice. I remain in awe of how the human brain can rewire itself to be happier by focussing on the positives. Building resilience and encouraging growth-mindset are key concepts especially important for our younger generation.
My personal interests include fitness, travel, learning Spanish and coffee! I am also involved in the alcohol-free community which is particularly important to me. I am a highly determined, motivated person and I work hard to achieve the goals I set myself. My greatest character strength is gratitude. I am a naturally thankful, reflective person which I hope shines through in the work that I do with others.
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities in which I can develop. If you can identify with my ethos let's connect and make plans.