These past few weeks have been hectic but hectic in a positive way. I shared earlier on in the week that I have been asked to be a key note speaker for the domestic abuse group Behind Closed Doors at this years International Women's Day event (08.03.24) . The theme is to 'Inspire Inclusion' which is a concept at the heart of what Coach and Shine is trying to achieve. Coincidentally (or maybe not), the event is being held at Strive coffee shop in Fleetwood which is well-known for bringing communities together within the Fleetwood area.
My work with parents and carers from a local primary school continues. Every single person I have spoken with is key in helping shape how the service is going to look going forward. Whilst there are different individual ideas being discussed, collectively, one message is clear. People want to feel that they are part of something. That 'something' is exactly what we are going to shape and mould.
I have been asked to write my third article for Low No Drinker magazine which is exciting. The topic for this piece is sober holidaying which is by no means easy. With the Easter break approaching, I think it's perfect timing to try and re-think the definition of holiday. I know I typically came home from a holiday needing another holiday!
I have finished rolling out 'Creating a Spark' workshop which got such great feedback. Lots of people left with a new found confidence in their decision-making abilities. This will be followed up with my 'What If' workshop in due course. This will be looking at what we fear and how we can take control of this.
Finally, I have had two very promising meetings this week in respect of Coach and Shine having more of a presence within the local community. I'm thrilled that the Life Coaching profession is being recognised within the field of mental wellbeing and prospering communities.
As I said, it's all go but in a great way!
